Jeremy Goddard- 2/18/09 I stood over his body at the shelter
Kimberly Dougherty- 26 years. IQ of 146 4/19/94
Mason- killed by the train 7/05
Robert Bunch- core body temperature 72 degrees, died at Cottage 2010
Charlie Webster- 56 years old 4/19/94
Betty Geer- died on tracks returning to SB. Went to Ventura to see her 5 yo daughter 5/20/13
Damon- hit his head at Pershing. Young kid, foot left unbandaged from doctor
James Moore- 11/2004
Homie- under freeway
David Morse- 11/16/13
Gilbert Ramirez- choked on some chicken at the beach
Alan Hunterman-. Carousel area Liver disease 1/16/16
Alan McGibbin- early 40s, possible murder. Multiple medical problems. 4/30/09
Larry Peterson- died in new apartment after two months. 7/11/16
Tina Diaz Gorrell- overdosed 7/9/16
Kathy Barton- 3/2002
Jerome Brown- “Oh God I’m not ready.” Adobe area 2/19/95
Homie- found in bed 11/19/93
Richard Mc Innis- 5/16/15
Sweet Helga-
Arthur- 40 years hard time. Old man without teeth 3/2006
Doc- just released from jail the same night. 11/19/99
Dennis Faulkner- overdosed Isla Vista Park.
Homeless person- found in tent behind Vons on Turnpike. 2012
Katie Mae-
Lee H- David’s father
Guitar Man- played steel guitar
Randy Rivette-
James “Jimbo” Wyatt- Pershing Park- Figtree patriarch, Sarah House, liver cancer. 8/27/15
Homeless man- body found behind Goleta Community Center 9/2010
Dennis F-
Chris- 4/2015
Man- run over by train near Montecito Street
Red- lived at the library 6/2004
Tom P- Lived in Live Oak Park. Showered at friend’s. Died at Cottage 9/29/09
Terrie- 3/2005
Richard Tacadena- Cottage Hospital
Ross Stiles- Murdered, a rush to judgement, alcoholic, 2/9/09
Michael Mc Kenzie- discharged from Cottage with a ruptured spleen. 12/1994
Shawn- bled out of life in cab on way to hospital, 2/12/09
Dorothy Wilson- Faulding Hotel 2/2005
Gary Cooper- 51 years old 4/1999
Jesse- of Jesse and Grace, black tar 11/1996
Felipe- died waiting for Sarah House
Manuel Galaviz- under bridge in Carpinteria 2010
Ross- hit by train two days after his mom died 2/2008
Bradley Crawford- found on bench, holding an uneaten burrito 3/2008
Backpack Bob- at Rocky Nook Park
Woody- broken neck, hit by a car when released at night from jail
Charles Gerald Hall- veteran, banker, many friends, kind, gentle, a soft laugh, truly missed. 6/29/14
Jules Moreno- in Florida 2/28/16
Kit- overdosed Isla Vista Park
Antonio- found at 2am on bench, hypothermia
Cathy Elliot- 3/19/91
Stan Meiser- liver failure 3/2003
Stephanie- sick in camp for days. Native American, early 40s. 3/24/09
Mitch McCrea- mid 50s, vet, multiple medical problems, OD 5/28/09
Marc McGinnis-
Big Red-
Cobblestone- in his wheelchair
Marc Hirsch- 5/2002
Larry- “I’m going home tomorrow”
Jacob- Witness said he jumped in front of a train. 4/2008
Ed- at Sarah House. Cancer.
Deva Redwood- Native American, helluva guitarist!
Michael Woodard- found off of the pier, 11/2016
David Williams- 2/14/15
S. Bez- died in jail
Linda Fowler-
Brad Crawford- found on State Street bench, 2008
Norman- died by hanging. Faulding Hotel.
Robert Hammond- died in Cottage Hospital after head injury. 6/15/13
James Magruder- activist, voice of homeless. Found dead in sleeping bag!!!
Stephen Aikens- murdered in Carpinteria 1/1994
Terry “Rainbow Scooter” Hunter- Died of cancer 2013
Charles Johnson- killed by three others, 6/2007
Man- 63 years, found dead in his camp, 6/2007
Rochelle K-
Julie Lamb-
Jim Naylor-
Marc Edmonds- friend of James Mc
Laurel Murray-
Daniel Espinoza- found floating in the harbor 2016
Michael Suazo- multiple organ failure, died in his 50s, taken to Cottage from Casa, 1/14/11
Ed Mannon- 30 years on the streets of Santa Barbara, bike crash, 2/2/16
Thomas Edward Brophy- 47 years on hwy 101
Carolyn E- sleeping, she died 3/19/99
Ernest Sanchez- 8/2004
William “Kickstand” Armstrong- Serenity House, 7/28/13
Wayne Vincent- pneumonia-cancer
James Voeks- 6/3/15
Stony Tony- rumored that he was dead
Doctor J- 9/2003
Raymond LaClair-
Mark Miller- just got housing, Brenda’s ex 2/6/12
Debi Taft- Great guitarist- getting treatment at UCLA killed by drunk driver in crosswalk 2013
Gavin P-
Crisco- died at Dwight Murphy Park 2010
Mark Miller- 2013
Francisco Ordac- witness to crime
Gerald “Rock”Bailey- in front of Faulding Hotel, 9/2000
Jimmy- hung out by pier 5/2013
Bryan- home to die, México-Guatemala, AIDS
Jumbo- died by the pier 8/30/13
Greg Devoy- “amputate everything”
Two in car crash-
John Lynn- 5/2002
Victor Chavez- tired
Sherrie Guth- 2011
Paul B- 2011
Mom- died in a blocked off dorm at the Women’s Shelter
Robert de Millo- suicide, rode tricycle at Catholic Charities, 11/1994
Jesse Lopez- 11/1998
Lawrence Brandt-
Ronnie Burke-Carpinteria cliffs 10/1999
David W- AIDS 1/1995
Pushcart Greg-
Zingy- wheelchair, Serenity House
Victoria L- Sarah House
Woods- late 50s, died in his car behind Red’s coffee shop, 2010
3 OD deaths in a week
Carl- overdosed, near Faulding in a cardboard box
Karen Roberts-
John Doe II- hit by a train in Goleta
Little Rick- died in IV
Don Gaylon- liver failure 2003
Andrea Perez- died mid-forties 2012
Easy and Anita- they died together in a van
Michael “Doctor Mike” Llamar- murdered on the streets of Santa Barbara, 6/16
Robert Aragon- died in a wheelchair in front of Mac’s Grog
Richard Leville- 59 years
Felix- lived in park by Casa shelter 4/2005
Frank Harden-
Ralph Fletcher- Casa Esperanza, 4/2003
Mike and Mario- died on the same piece of land, 24 hours apart, 2010
Doris Jack- 66 years 7/1994
Juan Perez- killed on 101 7/25/03
Darleen Thompson- at Casa Esperanza
Glenn Dunn- 9/1994
Jonathan Krolick- died in a boat on land, trying to sail to sea
Eddie- 6/1996
Robert Rose- 22 years 5/1994
Willy Maples- 31 yearsold 4/1993
Client- drove around with dead partner in backseat, thinking he’d passed out
Jorge Santana- 3/2005
Joseph Perez- diabetic, multiple amputations 2/4/09
Leslie Harper- 30 years old
Anna Padilla- 11/2004
Dave Allen- 2013
Gail Easton- had a tattoo on her thigh
Steven Updike- in Safe Parking Program 2010
David Yazzi- 2013
James- 44 years 1992
Jesus Santos- on Milpas 2010
Homie- Faulding Hotel 4/26/04
Richard Watt- 12/19/92
Brian “Gabriel” Olgeirson- 2013
Lawrence“Jimmy”Baumann-slipped into a coma after taken into custody, died Cottage Hosp 3/30/13
Luis Sagely- died with a deck of cards in his hand 3/2003
Danny Schulman-
Joshua “little Hobo” Flowers- 4 months old 1980’s
Dom Mc Kenno-
Charlie Davis- 66 years 5/1994
Big Al- died at the Sobering Center
Robert Fouse- died in McKenzie Park 8/2004
Karen- cancer, died at Sally Ann
Man- who was living in his car, died of cancer at Cottage 7/26/10
Mike- of “Mike and Rita” fame, killed by the train 10/2003
Andre Book-
Ed Takanaka- died at Sarah House 4/1/12
Male Hispanic- lived in vehicle 1/14/11
Connie Bobbit- died in camp by 101 and Esperanza 11/2004
James de la Hunt- killed by the train 8/2004
Pushcart Greg-Susan Shaw- fortune teller Faulding Hotel
Unidentified Homie- coroner’s photo 4/2005
Dorothy Martinez- Native American in streets of Paradise 4/2005
Holly- suicide
Anthony “Stix” McGinnis- died on day after moving into a home 2013
Homie- found after one month Carrillo off ramp
Ron Skaggs- a talker, Harley’s
Billy Templeton- 11/1997
Clarence Burke- 45 years old 11/1993
Dottie Perrera- Heath House from the streets
William Ritchie- saw his mother killed 8/2003
James Haru- 92 years
Roger Atherton- clerk at Faulding Hotel
Barney Jackson- friend of Chumash Linda 6/2008
Julie Taylor- Faulding Hotel 12/2002
“Shakey”- died at Pershing Park 1/22/11
Sharon- the Wharf Lady
Linda Archer- murdered
Homie- hit his head, fell behind Trader Joe’s
David Rowe- murdered on State Street
Linda Fox- in wheelchair
Kevin Westin-
Allen Hoffman- 5/2004
Ron- 5/2008
Claudia Brown- “you drink, you die” 5/2004
Unknown homeless man- died at Cottage 1/31/11
Jeff S- homeless vet, stayed at Sally, just moved into housing, massive heart attack
Sam Guerrera- died at East Beach
Charlie Jefferson- 38 years old 1993
Homie- Freeway Onramp near Casa 11/2007
Man- with tattoo, no ID who died at camp by Baltimore 2/14/12
Carl McLarty- 37 years old 5/1994
Speedball- 4/27/04
Jamieson Reid- liver cancer
Raymond Usigli-
Baby- 3 weeks old, Transition House
Michael Crutcher- Vietnam Vet, in his wheelchair
Charles Cooper- in front of Recreation Center 5/1994
Eugene P- 84 years old. Sarah House 1/16/12
Robert Culp- went to LA to VA Hosp to fight an infection
John Lewis- body found in front of Montecito Vons 1/14/09
Dino- killed by the train
Charlie Drake- 54 year old, crossing 101 8/2005
Gregory Gahn- beaten to death in IV 6/2008
Don- in the film Streets of Paradise
Dennis Powers- Faulding Hotel 12/1994
Richard de la Surda- 1/1995
Kelly de Sara- died at Five Points 1/23/12
James Albright- overdosed near Faulding Hotel
Rafael Diaz- run over by a car 1/2005
Ernest Riveira- 11/1994
Homeless man- in front of YMCA 1/29/09
Homeless woman- on 101 6/2005
David Parish- sent to hospital 12 times
Jerry T- came to Santa Barbara to die 7/22/10
Tobio Madrid- hotshot 11/1996
Frank Weight- 40 years old, murdered 12/1993
Homeless woman- killed on Freeway 6/2009
Vickie Jeffries- Casa Esperanza Shelter
Old man- found in tent in Carpinteria campground 10/1994
George Ballentine- 62 years old 7/1993
Don Cameron- Sarah House
Body- wrapped in poncho found on East Beach 10/18/05
Body- wrapped in tarp found in 101 culvert
Laticia- 9/2007
Vivian- 9/2007
Slim Jim- Needle Park
Rose Doe- hooker from Sally Ann, killed and her body dumped 5/1994
Catherine Eaton- at Needle Park 1/2005
Homie- under freeway
Gary- wore black plastic rain shoes
Cyrus- at East Beach 7/7/10
A 23 year old kid- walked in front of the train 5/27/10
Tammy Buckalew- 37 years, killed on freeway 6/2005
Dennis Winn- cancer 5/2004
Gayle M- 70 years old, died in hospital via Casa Esperanza 3/24/09
Tommy M- son of homeless Dorothy
Katherine “Kat” Maxwell-sent by PD to TX, seizure on train to family 2013
Freedom-Vietnam Vet in wheelchair. 50’s. Froze on bench near Pershing.
Homeless vet- lost hearing in Vietnam, killed by train he couldn’t hear 2/19/94
Earl McGinnis- found down by the train station 4/20/10
"Painting these many names was an incredible meditation for me, trying to acknowledge their lives in this time & place. Art wise, my intention was to have it feel ephemeral, as if it blew in from the ocean.
Ken Williams & his wife Donna on his final day.
Disclaimer: The list of names compiled by Ken, as on this website have been submitted through word-of-mouth from a multitude of people, mainly other street friends. There have not been regular records to bear witness to our counties homeless deaths. This list falls short of details from dates, full names, photos, reasons of death and is in no way inclusive of all. It is years of Ken recording what he heard. If a person was housed in recent years, we add them here. If they died in hospital or care facility, we add them here. Same if they left the county recently. Updated information may be sent to Please place
“Memorial Website Update” in the subject. Go to the "help" tab for other ways to acknowledge loved ones.